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Blog of artist Lee Barry
Showing posts from January, 2025
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January 31sts
January 30ths (Rooftop Show)
Same Ol' Shortenin'
January 29ths
Bronson Tropics (Shortet)
January 28ths (Purple Paisley)
And So On...
January 27ths (Zuni Song)
January 26ths (Big Noise From Winetka)
January 25ths
January 24ths
January 23rds (Smooth Blue Lake)
Ask 2000
January 22nds (To Sir With Love)
January 21sts
1/20/2025 Songday (Trouble Is In the Land)
Photographs For Music: Lynch Lane
January 20ths (Inagurations)
January 19ths (Little Acorns)
January 18ths (Lynchiana)
January 17 Synchronicity
January 17ths (The Inner King)
January 16ths
Dynaxiom 0098
Dynaxiom 2925 (4/8/2024)
Dynaxiom 2970
Dynaxiom 0011
Dynaxiom 2949
Dynaxiom 2938
Dynaxiom 0493
Dynaxiom 2911
Dynaxiom 2923
Dynaxiom 2899
Dynaxiom 2927
Dynaxiom 1088
On Music (Excerpt D#)
January 15ths (Disaster Aftermaths)
January 14ths (The Word Love)
January 13ths
On Music (Excerpt C)
January 12ths
Some December (2024 Edition)
Dynaxiom 1960
January 10ths (Alpha States)
January 9ths
January 8ths (Grays of Shade)
January 7ths (Favela)
Figured Basses
January 6ths (We Can Work It Out)
January 5ths
January 4ths (IS there life on Mars?)
Photographs For Music: Crossing a Range
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