January 17 Synchronicity
Perhaps you're reading this as a synchronistic evernt.
From the book The Tools, by Phil Stutz
"On January 17, 1994, exactly one year [after the dream about an earthquake], the costliest earthquake in US history struck Los Angeles in the early hours before dawn. The building that house my office collapsed. Everything in it was pulverized. It also destroyed my belief system. It suddenly seemed that there were more things in heaven and earth than my philosophy had ever dreamed of. Here were the facts, two heart-opening events had occurred, the first on January 17,1992, the day my son was born, and the second on January 17, 1993 when I had the earthquake dream, and now on January 17, 1994 an actual earthquake had ripped through Los Angeles."
On the genesis of the "Silencio" scene, where one idea leads to another, if you're ready to see the possibilities. Creativity is about being aware of them as they are happening. It's not an accident, it's just the intersection. https://youtu.be/e_BjbaBEyb4?si=zH8HrL6rc1aDRoFM
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