Dynaxiom 0493


Simply waiting around is a form of nudging without doing anything. This is what's called wu wei or trying not to try. I touched on that yesterday. 

Either you're moving or the world is moving around you and you'll never be able to differentiate between the two. So you can just stay put and things will happen to you or they won't happen to you. If you decide to move, other things are moving as well--the world is moving around you. And it's not under your agency; you're only moving in context with other things. Staying put is a way of moving as well because everything else is in motion. So it's a paradox. What you can do is just do a little bit of each, say, in the morning you just don't do anything and then in the afternoon you do something-- or the reverse and mix it up a little bit. You're essentially playing dice with the universe in a way by your actions or your inaction. You don't want to think about it too much, you just stay put. There's some wisdom in that, but there is no wisdom in that because the world wants us to take action-- to seize the moment. 

 The people who seem to be doing things are doing things. To get it to move in the direction that you want I suppose it's better to opt for doing something rather than nothing. But the question becomes is that something something, or is that something just anything? I think something has to be something because if you're just doing anything it might be something. But if you do some of something, then it's better than nothing.


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