January 2nds (On the Future)


They’re razing the old Sun-Times building in the Loop, and when I pass by it I always tune into the sound of jackhammers echoing through the empty space. [Now site of Trump Tower]  







Ambient Audio:



James Howard Kunstler’s prediction/forecast:

“Vlad Putin has held things together there impressively after the meltdown of the 1990s, but apparently the tranquil veneer is thin....The government, as ever, is a kind of gangster affair, only this time one that allows some people to get really rich, not just connected."

Was thinking of Neom, the dystopian city right out of a dystopian movie, and I feel like that it’s the pervasive mental model of what the future is supposed to look like. 

Reading the excellent book, Ecology of Fear : Los Angeles and the Imagination of Disaster (1998), about how Southern California had become the “set” for both utopia and dystopia, how William Gibson’s three-dimensional computer interfaces will someday allow “postmodern flaneurs” to stroll through urban cyberspace, which is what I’ve now experienced in real life.


(Reset 2046) Ask Poe

To Gallery Moire to see exhibition space, tentative open April 17, title: “Equality of Vision”. 

Poe: Where are people living?



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