October 23rds


Cloudy, cold, 50 degrees.

El Nino predictions are turning into mythologies with the meme in this situation that there is some God that controls El Nino.

[10/23/2024: Since we might think we know God, we are God(s), or possess god-like powers, we think we have power over weather. And we now, in fact, do with CO2 emissions. Hot New Earth!]


Coldest October I’ve ever experienced.

Idea: Story about people that have everything except that “one thing.”






10/23/2004, Saturday

Warm, 72 degrees. Unusual for late October. Went to condo-warming/birthday party. Seems that everyone is buying a condo.

10/23/2022, Sunday

Another gorgeous summer-like day. What makes the color so vibrant this year is the clear blue sky.

Out with camera to Thatcher Woods. 
























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