November 29ths (Tempo of the Age)
The best way to learn something new is to find out (in the easiest way possible) what something is capable of, then immediately do something with it. When you see what music can do and how it works, you immediately want to make music. Another way is to copy or emulate, then follow that path—like tracing an image. Rote learning can sometimes be like going around the world in the horse latitudes, and not seeing or doing much of anything. Go as far north or south as you can, and you can circle the globe in a shorter time.
[11/29/2024: AI-generation seems to be the easiest way possible, but circumambulating around such a small area is incredibly boring. You’ll find yourself wanting to leave for a warmer climate].
Reading Weston's Daybooks. Interesting (June 1930): "Photography suits the tempo of this age—of active bodies and minds. It is a perfect medium for one whose mind is teeming with ideas, imagery, for a prolific worker who would be slowed down by painting or sculpting, for one who sees quickly and acts decisively, accurately....Now one does not think during creative work: any more than one thinks when driving a car...."
[11/29/2024: Art naturally adapts to the tempo of an age because new technologies give us more and more ideas (divergence). But eventually you have to shape them (convergence). AI has shortened the gap between idea to product so the convergent phase is shorter. People do not naturally adapt to the tempos of an age].
Frigid weather continues.
Using AI to make art is sort of like being an interior designer: you pick and choose all the materials as a form of decoration/redecoration. It doesn't really require any skill of your own other than your "eye". (
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