October 31sts


On Kawara, from the 'Today" series.

{What I'm doing essentially with the Songday series.] 








Bill Laswell: The only way to arrive at something different is now by combining things.

[10/31/2024: In retrospect, the beginning of Remix at the leading edge of the internet].

Film: Pleasantville. Twilight Zone for the 1990s. 

10/31/1999, Sunday

Warmest Halloween I've ever seen, 80°. Flaming red bushes and trees. Sitting in Scoville Park as I write this. 

[1998-1999 was when I began seeing weather changes. Halloween was never warm].

At studio: More edits Church Ruins. P and I talked about internet development, possible Delphi newsgroup


Music is a tool to stir up change.--Dion


Warm, 72 degrees.


Warm, 65 degrees.

Interesting: Scooter Libby wrote a salacious novel back in 1996 titled The Apprentice. Wow—who would have thought that clean living and family values would inspire such lavish dollops of voyeurism? 

Scientists have discovered that children who indulge in violent video games rewire the frontal lobe of the brain, which controls impulses. (Can you imagine all the ways that the brain’s wiring is fked up?) Is anyone’s brain correctly wired? Can it be rewired? (“virtual rewiring”)

[10/31/2024: 2005 was at least 2 years before smartphones, but we already had the “crackberry”. At this point, everyone alive has had their brain re-wired, which perhaps transfers over to the collective unconscious].


Snow on Halloween.


It's so frustrating when you know you've had an interesting dream but can't recall any details. But I did hear an angelic voice (on Halloween?)

Halloween Angel by meta4s

Thousands of Tiny Cuts (Cats) 

Thousands of Tiny Cuts (Cats) (10-31-2024) by meta4s

It is easy to imagine a future where everyone in the audience is an AI artist, and they'd all be going to concerts to see "their work" performed. Art won't really require any skills or individual cleverness or cunning. Artists won't be interviewed because there would be nothing to talk about, as everyone's process is the same. Some artists are trillionaires, own everything, and they're always the headliner. Their one and only influence is Elon Musk.


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