October 30ths


George Washington journey to Newburyport, Massachusetts. Crossed a bridge between Salem and Beverly, noted impressive cotton mill. He was welcomed with much fanfare, including rockets and fireworks to honor him as the President of the United States. [More]


I always wonder why people [opt] for sameness rather than uniqueness. We might as well have a totalitarian culture—a 3-choice culture (“Land of 3 Choices”) where we only have a choice of 3 cars, 3 restaurants, 3 brands of cereal, etc.

[10/30/2024: "Neototalitarianism" would be the opposite where there was a paralyzing degree of choice and people react by shutting down and letting someone else make the choices...There is comfort and safety in sameness and conformity, but the price is limited options as a fixed idea, rather than as an option. This describes democracy: you get the freedom to control your own options, and how many options you want at any given moment.]


As the polls would ostensibly indicate, the nation is divided 50/50. This is an illusion spun by the media to give the impression that Bush is still a formidable force. It would be “interesting” to see how it all spins (unravels), and how 50% of the nation will deal with defeat. An election is like a casino or watching a football game. 


Warmest Autumn I have ever seen. 


Dream: Fragment 1: I was in a cathedral playing the organ, but only using the pedals, which were very small made of cheap plastic, perhaps like Taurus Pedals. People said they could not hear them. Fragment 2: I was apparently somewhere along the winding Colorado River, looking out over it. I thought it was the Mississippi. People were wading into it. I was trying to brush my teeth with a kit that had been given to me. There were many different implements in the kit, some of which I couldn't understand what they were for.

[A song about being lost--or thought you should be somewhere else. This is very common in dreams where you "see" one thing and are thinking of another. Dreams are always emotionally charged by the limbic system. David Eagleman describes it well]. Idea: Use Moonrise in Hernandez as a music "quotation" or "cameo", as they have the same chords--as well as weaving in "crossing a bridge, in the bridge. If a video, scene of approaching a large river from a cliff. Also music for a place--Newburyport or Salem].


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