October 17ths
10/17/2011, Sunday
What I really like about October is the subtle fragrance of prairie grass.
In 2010, Patti Smith joined Pete Seeger to benefit ALBA, an organization preserving the history of those who volunteered in the 1930s to fight fascism in Spain. Seeger was 91, filled with activist energy. His trusty banjo, set by the stage, was tattooed with the words “This machine surrounds hate and forces it to surrender.” (Photo Seeger’s banjo)
10/17/2021, Sunday
Bike ride, Taylor Park, lovely day.
On loneliness and isolation: William Shatner expressed this a few days ago when he was talking about the “ugliness” of space—the absence of life, but in a spiritual sense, there’s life in dark matter, or we want to have spiritual experiences through psychedelics and space travel or combination of the two. Manned Mars missions probably will require long periods of meditation, but how could they when always at the ready of controlling the spacecraft? This is why psychedelics and short trips to the edge of the atmosphere keep a sense of play in it without the thought of the imminence of death at the razor edge of risk.
Razor's Edge (10-17-2021) by meta4s
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