December 5ths (Doppler)
Interesting that Smith's Flaming Creatures film was done with poor-quality film stock, no special lighting, and so on. yet achieved some degree of artistic merit, which goes to show that you don't need the best of technology to make good art, or at least art that someone might think has merit.
[12/5/2024: We have the best technology with AI, but it is lo-fi and DIY at the same time. It’s different because we don’t have any top-down or self-imposed constraints].
I've noticed that lots of new buildings, especially stores, have no doors to the sidewalk where the people should be, but doors to the parking lot where the cars are parked.
[See Conceptual Food]
Bought cheap Holga camera for $20. (The whole point is that it is designed to malfunction and produce happy accidents.)
History dictates that all art mediums become clinically dead at some point, or put on ice, then have a revival (of sorts). But the fact of the matter is that the democratization of art will sow the seeds of its own destruction....
[12/5/2024: AI is destroying art as we knew it, but the best artists will find clever ways of working with and appropriating it. The interesting thing about send-ups is that AI processes don’t know what that is conceptually. AI art is essentially a “Level 0” art, but when used in an appropriation, is Level 4. See: Getting On A Level].
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