December 4ths (Wisdom Is In the Equation)


Dynaxiom: The new era of ‘R&B’ is untethered from its roots, perhaps intentionally. Any artist who wants to part ways with the past shouldn’t even be associating itself with the genre unless making a parody of it (which is fine). Imitation with reverence for the art form is flattery, but imitation without reverence is a mockery.

Camera phones are charming and fun, but terrible from a tactile usability standpoint. They are clumsy to hold, as are most small point-and-shoots. If that’s a part of the ‘charm’ then that’s fine. But for more serious and rigorous shooting, you have to use a good SLR (film or digital) or medium and wide-format cameras. I liked the comment by Adrian about culling usable stills from video footage. An interesting idea on many levels. Rather than capturing moments you are sampling them.






Dream: Apparently I was in Costa Rica and the landscape was dry and rocky and there was lots of trash and refuse along the shore. As we walked rats started to scurry. Fragment 2: I was working with David Lynch on a photo exhibit of mine at a 19th century-era building (like the Monadnock). As I was returning to the building I couldn't find the entrance. I walked up a set of green fire escape stairs to a mezzanine level but still felt lost. I was under pressure with the opening date fast approaching.

Creativity is timeless, so there is no old or new. When I look at Roman art I still see great creativity. That said, to become “great” in the eyes of the world means you must create those things that are considered to be contemporary. In my view, it’s having the correct intentions with what you’re doing, which comes with time. Ultimately, creativity should have wisdom embedded in it.

[12/4/2024: I’ve always considered myself contemporary, even to this day. This is why I like seeing what I can do with new technologies like AI. I don’t think I’m too old to be checking out what the young artists are using to make art. But my boundary is whether it is done with the integrity of an artist’s overall praxis. If you’re young and starting with AI, in 20 years you have to be able to look at it as a period, and you move on to other things that interest you. That’s where wisdom is in the equation].



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