December 31sts (Telephone To God)
Today is the defining moment as to whether our lives are truly pervaded by the computer age, and if something goes awry in Russia the world will be toast tomorrow.
President Yeltsin abruptly resigns. Putin, a former KGB agent, takes over. Disturbing.
The “brand new day”. Honeymoon will last for a while, but will it withstand the vagaries of real life?
[12/31/2024: It’s interesting to reflect after 25 years. I was skeptical of the “brand new day” zeitgeist even then, although the next few years were indeed an internet zeitgeist. Many feel we are entering a new dark age, or are already in it].
Title: Telephone to God
Video for Poette (AI version). Wanted to get a reversed version as a "countdown" but it never gets the rhythm and phrasing correct. AI music can sometimes be like a slot machine. Since the re-writing process is quick, you keep doing it to get what you want, walking away disappointed or settling for something you don't really like. Manual creativity is like this too.
Apparently, a blackout in Puerto Rico, almost the entire island. (Y2K delayed by 25 years)
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