December 23rds (Edgar Miller)


Traditions seem to be breaking down—a side effect of rapid progress. We need to rethink the function of tradition, or at least put it in proper perspective. It has to be a conscious effort rather than a mindless machination.


Prediction:  The selling of music will get like the selling of appliances with extended warranties, rebates, and so on. It will no longer be as free as it was in the 60s. 

[12/23/2024: NFT smart contracts can potentially have “warranties”, other ways of specifying terms of ownership or use.]   


Went to take some photographs at 155 W. Burton, one of the Edgar Miller handmade home masterpieces. Arts and crafts are ubiquitous and embedded into almost all surfaces. The structure itself is a synergy, sometimes a congeries of art and architecture, not exactly meeting at a point of artistic or functional perfection, but just a bit off-kilter and funky. These are places to zoom your attention, not just pass through.


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