Some November 10ths


As an experiment, I used a text randomizer on all the November 10 diary entries. It's just a melange of words and makes absolutely no sense, but I found two usable rhythms and mapped various words over them and a song idea emerged. (It's interesting what you can do with just a little bit of algorithm that you can make yourself).

I titled the song result 30,000 Years because that was one of the generated text phrases. (I'm not quite sure where that particular phrase came from but it was usable as a chorus idea).

The final track on Human In The Loop:


What people want are good inputs so that they can perform well. But in the US, or just generally, most people are set up to fail. Probably because a minority is succeeding at the expense of a majority wanting to succeed. Whatever the leadership is, it’s always plastic forks and knives. You can get the best kitchenware, but it really won’t empower you like you might think, and could be counterproductive and paralyzing. People have to be excited by something truly meaning something at the individual level.

 For outro, bass and celeste:


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